Remember to change the clocks
Do I need a new fuse board?
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Nest Protect, Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarm
Nest Cam Indoor Security Camera
Nest installer
LED Bulbs - A Bright Idea!
Did you know that LED bulbs last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs? On top of this they use around 80% less energy! Another bonus is that LED bulbs don’t contain the harmful metals that you might find in other bulbs, such as mercury and lead. But will they be as bright as standard light bulbs?...
FAQ: What are earthing and bonding?
If you’re having electrical work carried out in your home your electrician will always check that your earthing and bonding are up to the required specifications. We find we're often asked by customers what we mean when we refer to "earthing" and "bonding"? Here's a quick explanation to make sure you're up to speed.
New Consumer Unit Legislation
In a world of ever-changing legislation and best practice, DCMD Electrics always strives to remain current & pass on important information to our customers. As a result of increasing numbers of fires involving consumer units with plastic enclosures, resulting in the fire escaping and causing further damage, regulations have recently changed...